Free Off Carbon Architecture: Interactive system to support the construction sector in achieving climate neutrality

Domestic project:

Acronym: FoCA

Programme: co-financing by the National Center for Research and Development as part of the 33rd edition of the CORNET competition (COllective Research NETworking Initiative)

Contract No.: CORNET/33/55/FoCA/2023 of July 4, 2023.

Implementation period: 01.06.2023 – 31.05.2025

Total value of the project: PLN 1,384,821.58; NCBiR co-financing value: PLN 1,279,240.13

ITB’s budget: PLN 392,926.94

Coordinator on behalf of ITB: Michał Piasecki, PhD, DSc prof. ITB

Leader of the consortium: Polish Green Building Council (PLGBC)


Building Research Institute,

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

Environmentally Friendly Green Buildings Association / Turkish Green Building Council (CEDBIK)

Yildiz Technical University (YTU)

Short description: the aim of the project is to prepare a publicly available tool - an interactive internet platform providing information on the environmental properties of construction materials and products, supporting the construction sector in estimating the carbon footprint of buildings. FoCA as a simple and comprehensive tool aims to:

  • providing a reliable source of verified environmental information on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), primary energy demand (TRPE and TNRPE) and water depletion (WD), resulting from the extraction and further processing of raw materials used for the production of construction materials and products;
  • enabling architects and other stakeholders to gain knowledge about the environmental impact of different classes of materials and products and to choose environmentally friendly solutions, which leads to a reduction of the ecological footprint of the construction sector;
  • assistance in adapting to the objectives indicated in the national and EU policy, which imposes stringent requirements on the construction sector.