Widok z góry na Laboratorium Badań Ogniowych

Fire Tests

We perform tests of the following:

  • reaction of construction products to fire (including complete set of tests for the European classification)
  • action of external fire on roofs
  • fire propagation through building members
  • fire resistance of load bearing and non-load bearing building members during action according to the standard curve, hydrocarbon curve, tunnel curve and other temperature rise scenarios
  • fire resistance of components of service systems in a building and smoke barriers, smoke vents and smoke exhaust fans
  • smoke protection doors
  • fireproofing efficiency of protections of building structures
  • fire rating of flexible products, fabrics and furniture
  • toxicity of decomposition and combustion products and smoke production properties
  • swelling pressure and swelling height of heat-swelling products
  • coherence of gypsum boards’ cores at high temperatures
  • continuity of supply of energy and signal by electrical wiring, reactions of electrical products to fire and density of smoke released by burning conductors or cables and acidity of gases formed during combustion of electrical cables’ materials
  • fire resistance of noise barriers to fire of road vegetation



+ 48 22 56 64 107
+ 48 22 853 34 27




ul. Ksawerów 21
02-656 Warszawa

ul. Przemysłowa 2
26-670 Pionki