Concerted Action supporting the implementation of the directive on performance of buildings

International project:

Acronym: CA I EPBD

Programme: European Commission 6th RTD Framework Programme Intelligent Energy Europe

Contract No.: TREN/05/EIE. Type 4/01.S07.41591

Project implementation period of time: 01.01.2005-30.06.2007

ITB’s budget: EUR 93 512,00

Coordinator on behalf of ITB: prof. Jerzy A. Pogorzelski, PhD, DSc

Leader/Coordinating organisation: Agencia para a Energia (ADENE)


21 EU members: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finlandia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Holland, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, 1  EFTA country: Norway, 1 candidate country: Bulgaria (EU member since 2007), 6 invited participants: Lithuania, Romania, Malta, Luxembourg, Croatia, Czech Republic.

Short description:

Directive on the energy performance of buildings of the European Parliament and of the Council (2002/91/EC of 16 December 2002), commonly referred to as the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive or EPBD, requires EU Member States to implement four main actions:

  • a common framework for calculating energy demand in buildings,
  • procedures for periodic review of requirements for new buildings and for major renovations of large buildings,
  • mandatory energy certification of buildings, carried out by recognized experts,
  • mandatory inspections of boilers and air conditioners, carried out by accredited inspectors.

In the face of the main technical and administrative challenges posed by the Directive, a joint action (CA - Concerted Action) was initiated under the Intelligent Energy - Europe Program (2003-2006) to support its transposition and implementation.