Development and implementation of a method of lake reclamation and surface water protection based on natural biological technologies with the use of beneficial microorganisms
Domestic project:
Acronym: GEKON II
Programme: National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) and National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW)
Contract No.: GEKON2/03/267948/21/2016
Project implementation period of time: 01.02.2016 – 31.12.2016
Total value of the project: PLN 4 801 235
ITB’s budget: PLN 524 948
Coordinator on behalf of ITB: Monika Lipska, MSc Eng.
Leader/Coordinating organisation: MIKRONATURA ŚRODOWISKO SP. Z O.O.
Short description: as a result of the project it is expected that a comprehensive method will be developed and implemented that will allow for the neutralization of pollution sources and full reclamation of the lake by restoring the correct state of water (according to physical, chemical and other parameters), biological balance, biodiversity and usability of the lake.
The aim of the project has been defined by the following specific objectives:
- development of a mineralization technology of organic sediments found on the bottom of the lake with simultaneous binding of phosphorus and other biogenic compounds, through natural processes of decomposition of organic matter.
- development of a comprehensive technology for the removal or pollutants - organic and petroleum-derived substances - from surface waters, including lakes and watercourses (ITB’s task).
- development of procedures for assessment of the biological potential of treated water through the use of natural biological markers with indication of the sources of pollution – external (inflow) and/or internal (sediments).