Development of IT infrastructure

Development of IT infrastructure - increasing the availability of scientific potential for science and the economy

Domestic project:

Project title: “Development of IT infrastructure - increasing the availability of scientific potential for science and the economy”

Programme: Operational Programme Innovative Economy, Priority axis 2: R&D infrastructure Measure 2.3: Investments related to the development of IT infrastructure for science

Contract No.: POIG.02.03.00-00-016/08-11

Project implementation period of time: 14. 04. 2008 – 30. 09. 2013

Total value of the project: PLN 9 932 784,89

ITB’s budget: European Commission PLN 7 174 595; national funds PLN 1 266 105

ITB’s contribution: PLN 198 212

Coordinator on behalf of ITB: Piotr Ozga, MSc Eng.

Leader: ITB

Short description: the project concerned the modernization of Instytut Techniki Budowlanej (ITB) IT infrastructure, consisting in the creation of:

  • a group work system for scientific and research purposes, enabling group work of a project nature, mutual communication for ITB employees, collecting and managing content related to group work, as well as automation of work processes (BPM);
  • an integrated research support system, enabling the implementation of their full cycle from collecting measurement data, through their processing, calculation, analysis, to archiving;
  • a knowledge base and archive system enabling the storage of ITB publications and research results in a structured form;
  • a portal system covering functional areas related to sharing information with other entities, a "single entry point" system for contact between external entities and ITB, specialized Eurocode portals, European Union documents related to the construction market, discussion forums, expert advice and monitoring the status and implementation of research works;
  • a system of electronic access to publications and other ITB products, enabling the digitization of ITB scientific and research resources and ensuring the possibility of using them via electronic links;
  • a system for managing and coordinating scientific and research activities, enabling: support for the areas of management of the implementation of scientific and research works, improvement of the handling of research works, management of resources needed to carry out the above-mentioned works, including research infrastructure.

The project also included: obtaining a certificate important from the point of view of increasing competitiveness in the field of quality management system: ISO 9001, conducting training in the field of IT infrastructure management, as well as its development and operation.